Did you know that 5-25% of all your site visitors use your Site Search bar? Did you know that Site Search visitors are more likely to make a purchase “today” vs. a non-Site Search visitor aka “browser”? Site Search is the single most important piece of technology on your site that is used by your
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. The marketing industry is on fire. With 50 percent of the top 10 marketing jobs being in the explosive digital/media space, it’s no wonder this generally recession-proof industry sparks so much interest among potential college students. But since the cost of college has skyrocketed 25 percent, more parents and
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Whether you are looking for opportunities or just keeping tabs on the industry, LinkedIn is abuzz with professional networking activity. Unfortunately, it’s easy to get lost in the shuffle, as globally, there are over 740 million LinkedIn users. To stand out, you must shake things up, and this
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. In this digital age, competition seems to be more rampant than ever. The attention of customers is scattered due to the many choices they enjoy. Proper competitive research is fundamental to shield and set your business apart. The best way to stay ahead of your competition is
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. When Facebook opened to the public in 2006, companies scrambled to make profiles, which later became pages. Brands knew that this platform was a then cutting-edge way to reach their customers — a way to “fish where the fish were”. Over time, though, Facebook has become less
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. If you aspire to be a coach, consultant, creator or online entrepreneur, you have to write. A lot. From email newsletters to blog posts to snappy captions on social media and more, written content communicates who you are and what you do in a way that appeals to
Back in 2018, Google began showing a snapshot of your Google Search Console data and analytics in the web search results for verified properties. Now, Google will also show this snapshot for domain property verification methods, not just the older verification methods. The announcement. Google announced this on Twitter saying “we are happy to share
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. The proverbial secret sauce to some of the most successful entrepreneurs arrives in one flavor: ghostwriters. Many of the world’s prominent business leaders build their success, and the success of their respective companies, by using ghostwriters to create a continuous and consistent stream of content. As an
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Like many of you, I had a job in retail at the start of my working life. Retail positions were easy to get as a young, single person, and the discounts on merchandise or food were a fantastic perk. But I never really thought about where the
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Social media is constantly evolving, and keeping up with the trends is difficult. People who deliberately made marketing plans for 2021 had to accommodate many shifts to make through. As an industry expert, I helped many influencers and businesses to formulate strategies to enhance engagement and growth.
Learn How to create an Instagram story and more with this Free Instagram marketing strategy course: https://clickhubspot.com/InstagramStrategy A guide to create a Instagram Story; Instagram Stories can drive a ton of engagement and value — whether you’re sharing a Story from a brand account or your own personal profile. In this video, you’ll learn how
I go over all these tips and tactics in these videos like content marketing, link building, but how do you integrate them into a SEO campaign? It’s kind of confusing, right? Today I’m going to share with you the anatomy of a perfect SEO campaign. Not only am I going to end up breaking down
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Most major technological trends develop behind the scenes for a long time. Then, at some point, a larger-than-life personality pushes things into more of a mainstream focus. Steve Jobs did it with iPads. Elon Musk is doing it with EVs. That’s why, when Mark Zuckerberg announced Facebook’s rebrand
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. One of the most important goals in PR is to secure media coverage. “Placements” are the lifeblood of our industry. “Publicity,” “press” or media “hits” are how we show value. But whatever the descriptor used, media coverage is almost always a good thing. However, when a PR
Evaluating a site for “quality” is the most misunderstood concept in SEO. As a result, you may be leaving sites out of your outreach that can drive ranking, or you may be including sites that will provide no value or potentially get you penalized. This presentation is for digital marketers who want to scale up
Takeaways from this episode: Learn to Communicate Better – When Matt Cooper’s stadium catering team was tasked with working the Super Bowl, it took about a year of planning to pull off. Because the time spent enough time in advance preparing logistics it all went off great when the events came. Invest in New Technology
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Consider the insanity of this statement: “Recently it’s become apparent that quality food and regular exercise are crucial to one’s health. That’s why I decided to eat a high-quality meal once per week and ride my exercise bike every Saturday morning.” Everyone understands that engaging once-weekly in
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. I’ve been hearing frustrated entrepreneurs and freelance publicists lament for weeks: “Getting media exposure for my brands has been tough!” From the rise of influencers to the consolidation and collapse of media outlets, the past two years dramatically altered the public-relations and digital-marketing landscape, making earned media, even for the most