Social Media

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. The proverbial secret sauce to some of the most successful entrepreneurs arrives in one flavor: ghostwriters.  Many of the world’s prominent business leaders build their success, and the success of their respective companies, by using ghostwriters to create a continuous and consistent stream of content.  As an
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. When done right, blog content can provide an extraordinary opportunity to build relationships with your customers. A well-crafted blog post not only delivers helpful information to your target audience, but it also helps cultivate the sentiment and trust so critical to harnessing customer loyalty and turning prospects
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. In Ernest Cline’s 2011 science fiction novel Ready Player One, life is divided into two disparate experiences: the real and the virtual. The story is set in 2045, in a future beset by environmental, economic and social problems that leave its inhabitants spending time in a vast, highly-detailed virtual
Takeaways from this episode: Be Embedded in Your Community – It takes a village to raise a child and it takes a village to keep a restaurant open. Despite dire situations tied to the pandemic, LoLo’s Seafood Shack was able to stay open by having strong support from a community they’ve strongly supported. Don’t just
Women are better investors than men, a 2021 Fidelity study found. Yet some estimates suggest that as few as 26% of women have invested in the stock market, a staggering statistic alongside the persistent gender pay gap, which held steady in 2020 and is expected to widen in the wake of the pandemic.  Courtesy of
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Let’s start with definitions. Centralized PR means all press communications going through one authorized channel, often a PR professional, in the form of official press statements. Journalists have to rely on a single gatekeeper and wait until they get access to information.  Businesses in 2021 still relied on
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Social media influencers are essential components of information networks since they leverage their reputation within a specific niche to inform their followers while providing trusted information regarding breaking events, emerging trends and new products. According to Insider Intelligence’s Influencer Marketing, this market will exceed $15 billion by 2022. However, the industry has attracted
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. As was brilliantly chronicled in the 2020 Netflix documentary The Social Dilemma, much of tech today uses data to tap into the human brain in a way that is detrimental to the health of consumers. The examples range from flooding people with ads to creating addictive algorithms on social
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Love it or hate it, there is no denying that LinkedIn is a big part of building your online platform — especially as an entrepreneur. In fact, the social media network now boasts over 744 million members, with over 57 million companies listed on the site. Depending
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Social media platforms and channels continue to evolve, challenging businesses to adjust social strategies to capture the attention of target audiences, build brand visibility and generate leads. As business owners and entrepreneurs look to harness the power of social media in a shifting digital landscape, they will
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. According to a survey of businesses conducted by the consulting company Invesp (which specializes in conversion rate optimization), it costs five times more to obtain new clients as it does to retain old ones, and that businesses have a 60% to 70% chance of re-selling to former
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. It’s been written countless times already, but the pandemic has changed virtually every industry, and has had a uniquely fierce impact on the marketing landscape. In today’s digital and 24/7 media world, as it adapts to a seemingly ever-changing “new normal,” marketers must be quicker than ever to
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. When I started HydroJug, one core value stuck out above everything else — we wanted to add value. I wanted our products to improve the way people lived and for our partners to grow because of our connection. I’ve implemented this mission of adding value in every aspect