Google’s Discover feed presents mobile users with a stream of content based on the user’s interests. For publications that have managed to get their content featured in it, the Discover feed can drive substantial traffic — but, unfortunately, “there’s no way to create content that explicitly targets Discover’s interest matching,” John Shehata, VP, global audience
Google’s John Mueller has confirmed that a bug prevented Google from crawling for the AMP cache between November 11, 2021 and November 17, 2021. The bug has since been resolved. Google confirmed. “We saw that crawling for the AMP cache had slowed down for some sites,” a Google spokesperson told Search Engine Land, “This bug
Google has rolled out a new look for Google Search Console aimed at improving accessibility and user experience. If you login to your Google Search Console account at you will see the new design. What it looks like. Here is a screenshot of the new design: Why a new design. Google said this design
“Gasp! Think of the traffic!”  That’s a pretty accurate account of the more than two dozen conversations we’ve had about Search Engine Land’s support of Google’s Accelerated Mobile Pages in the past few years. At first, it was about the headache in managing the separate codebase AMP requires as well as the havoc AMP wreaks
Google added two new help documents to the Google Search developer area around translated search results and how to enable your ad network to work with Google Translated web pages. Translated Google search results The translated results help document explains how Google may automatically translate the search result snippets from the language it was written
Microsoft has published its list of IP addresses that Bingbot, the Microsoft Bing crawler, users when crawling your web site. Fabrice Canel from Microsoft said “to help all webmasters, we also published Bingbot IP ranges.” Bingbot IPs. You can access the current list of Bingbot’s IP addresses over here. It is a JSON file that
Google logo schema now supports ImageObject type, in addition to the URL type, according to updated information on the help document. Google said this provides “new flexibility” to specify an organization logo using these schema markup. What is new. The logo required properties use to just say it accepted the URL property, but now it
The Google November spam update that began rolling out on November 3rd is now fully rolled out. Google has updated us 8 days after it first started to roll out that the rollout is complete. The announcement. Here is the announcement about the update from Google on Twitter: Impact. It is hard to say the
Google has published the full list of IP addresses it uses for crawling and accessing your website under the Googlebot user agents. Google said if you do not want to use reverse DNS other those types of methods for verifying Googlebot, you “can identify Googlebot by IP address by matching the crawler’s IP address to
A Google spokesperson has confirmed that the search company will be testing the new IndexNow protocol first introduced by Microsoft Bing and Yandex a few weeks ago. Google said while its crawling efforts are efficient, Google will test to see if it can improve its overall sustainability efforts by leveraging the IndexNow protocol. Google’s statement.
Last month, Google rolled out continuous scroll to its mobile search results pages. For users, the change represents a minor tweak to Google’s interface, but the obfuscation of pages in the search results had SEOs questioning how that tweak would impact reporting and potentially affect user behavior. Announced in October 2021, continuous scroll replaced Google’s