Marketing News

Un nuevo panorama está surgiendo en el mundo de las relaciones públicas y el marketing. La llegada de la inteligencia artificial (IA) y las herramientas automatizadas se está volviendo tan omnipresente en este espacio que puede parecer desalentador mantenerse al día. Sin embargo, la verdad es que este es el momento de reforzar los principios
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. These days, it’s crucial for every business owner to monitor their company’s online presence and know how their brand resonates with existing and potential customers. The metric used to measure this component of marketing (and brand) is often known as your reputation score. Knowing your reputation score
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. In the rapidly evolving realm of digital commerce, forward-thinking ecommerce entrepreneurs continuously seek innovative strategies. The primary aim is to streamline operations, optimize resources and bolster profitability. Amidst the array of tools and strategies available, one concept is steadily establishing itself as a game-changing force in ecommerce:
On Monday, an unusual Airbnb listing surfaced. “Barbie’s Malibu DreamHouse” — hosted by “Ken” — will soon be up for grabs (free of charge) for two, one-night stays on July 21 and July 22. The hillside mansion, where walls void of pink are few and far between, is the latest marketing stunt ahead of Greta
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Automation has made many aspects of our lives easier, both professionally and personally. If you’ve ever used dictation to send a text or have separate “home” and “away” settings on your smart doorbell, you’ve likely benefited from automation. When most people think of automation, they think digital.
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Sustainability is making waves across the global economy at present. More than a buzzword, it’s a business imperative that aligns with the values of your customers, employees and investors. It’s about future-proofing your business and positively impacting the planet. Simon Kucher’s Global Sustainability Study 2021 shows 65%
¿Quieres volverte viral en redes sociales? LinkedIn tiene un mensaje para ti: prueba eso en otro lugar. “Cuando algo se vuelve viral en LinkedIn, generalmente es una señal de que necesitamos investigarlo, porque eso no es algo que celebramos internamente”, dice Dan Roth, editor en jefe de LinkedIn. Entonces, ¿qué es lo que se celebra?
Conforme las redes sociales han ido avanzando, han llevado a una representación poco auténtica de la vida en línea. Fotos con filtro, captions meticulosamente elaborados y la constante necesidad de impresionar han dejado a muchos anhelando encontrarse con algo más “real” en el mundo digital. Existe un deseo creciente de establecer conexiones sinceras y tener
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. To drive profitable engagement, you need to understand audience needs and craft effective content strategies. This guide will empower you to create relevant, engaging content aligned with customer intentions, analyze user behavior and leverage data-driven insights to foster strong connections and drive growth throughout the buyer journey
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. In the fiercely competitive world of real estate, establishing a reputable brand and gaining clients’ trust is crucial for success. While many real estate agents focus primarily on traditional marketing methods, incorporating public relations (PR) strategies can be a game-changer. This article explores the benefits and strategies
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Public relations (PR) plays a pivotal role in shaping a company’s image, managing its reputation and building strong relationships with stakeholders. However, there are several misconceptions surrounding the field of public relations that can hinder entrepreneurs from fully leveraging its power. In this article, we aim to
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Scroll through Instagram or TikTok today, and there’s a good chance you’ll see an influencer promoting a brand. And if you don’t recognize the person talking, just ask a nearby Gen Z who they are. Influencer marketing is only getting bigger Influencer marketing works because of the