Marketing News

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Our PR firm has received a recent uptick in inquiries from B2B companies hungry to generate business during uncertain times. Advertising is expensive and supply chain issues, looming inflation and the ongoing global pandemic increase pressure to secure new business. Public relations is a cost-friendly, highly effective
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Change is hard, but it is also essential. This is especially true when doing business online. Customer trends and expectations, privacy concerns and world events (to name only a few major issues) often require businesses across the globe to make major changes in very little time. A
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Already in 2014, companies were discovering the benefits of connecting with consumers across multiple channels, including more repeat shopping and referrals. Now, with e-commerce on the rise, consumers are expecting omnichannel experiences to be even better. For small businesses in today’s competitive marketplace, meeting these expectations of
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Whichever type of business you run, having a clean, user-friendly website is critical. Your business site not only serves as the digital home base for your business and product line, but also anchors your entire digital marketing approach, giving a central hub to point toward and connect customers
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Third-party cookies have been an essential part of every marketer’s toolkit for as long as they’ve been around. Businesses and brands have been leveraging these tracking methods to understand their audience’s browsing activities and serve them with relevant ads. Although the removal of third-party cookies will force
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. When it comes to physical products in the media, there is so much opportunity right now through public relations to share the news of your new launch. Reporters and media outlets are excited to feature new brands that consumers want to buy. Whether it is a holiday
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. March was a big month for Facebook and Instagram advertisers. Per a statement via CEO, Mark Zuckerberg’s, media mouthpieces: “We’re removing some Detailed Targeting options because they are either not widely used, they may be redundant with others or too granular, or because they relate to topics