Marketing News

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. If the 2020s have taught us anything, it’s that companies can no longer simply meet the expectations of their customers or, even worse, fall short of expectations by overpromising and failing to comply on prior commitments. Instead, businesses should always aim to over deliver while surprising their
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Great businesses are built by creating a quality solution to a top-of-mind problem and effectively taking that solution to market. It’s much tougher to do when you’re a bootstrapped startup — a new venture that isn’t taking outside investment. But it’s still doable. Here’s the seven-step marketing
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Far too many experts gifted with true genius end up dimming their light to appease the mainstream. This mystifies me. Why make yourself smaller than you can be? If you know you are destined for greatness, why wouldn’t you step into your true potential? Why wouldn’t you
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Marketing tactics and the understanding of how audiences respond to marketing evolve alongside the times. Trends and behavioral patterns all play a part in determining the most effective methods of marketing. Traditional marketers will have you know that the “four Ps” are a tried and tested method
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. International research by Harvard Business Review has documented that brands that are considered more “human” benefit from greater customer involvement, increased innovation, loyalty and a unique reputation. It pays to be human! However, creating a human brand requires one to challenge one’s own perceptions and habits to
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. The number of startups and entrepreneur investments has grown drastically amid the uncertainty of the past few years. Although acquiring funds for a business has never been easy, venture capitalists are now spending less time than ever looking at each pitch deck. Especially in an age when