Marketing News

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. A common mistake that many companies make is using a “one-size-fits-all” approach to its marketing efforts. Said another way, the company comes up with one marketing strategy, uses mass marketing techniques and the same messaging to everyone that sees its advertising. Yes, that is a simple approach
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Welcome to the home of creativity. The south of France isn’t just home to some of the most renowned sandy beaches in all of Europe. It’s also home to Pinterest Beach, Amazon Port, and mega-yachts branded by companies such as VaynerMedia and Paramount. These tech giants (and
We’ve all been there: Whether it’s Black Friday buzz or a cleverly targeted social ad, the allure of a sale can be hard to resist. The promise of massive savings tempts you to hit “buy” on those items you’ve been eyeing — and even on some you haven’t been. Of course, ecommerce giant Amazon is
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Debate simmers as to when the first true podcast was created (many point to the Carl Malamud-created and 1993-launched Internet Talk Radio as the first), but the format is certainly twenty-plus years old, and without question a medium that has been particularly popular in recent years —
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. A newly-created project should manage significant issues to survive the first year of operating. The key target to hit, especially in a highly-competitive market environment, is finding product-market fitting. Affiliate marketing is giving a variety of instruments to reach that goal. And even more: It engages potential
The experience economy has infiltrated every industry—from online shopping to healthcare, consumers expect a highly interactive, personalized experience in nearly every interaction. And when your business doesn’t deliver, consumers flock to the competition. Shutterstock Join us in this free webinar as we discuss actionable tips and best practices to deliver a better customer experience from
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Depending on how you use it, social media can either be a digital marketing darling — one that consistently cultivates brand sentiment and strong emotional connections among your customers — or a resource-draining wasteland, positioning your business as out of touch or, even worse, a pariah to
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Innovation has always been at the heart of Unilever, from successfully re-inventing soap in the late 19th century to pioneering sustainable living today. Their current innovation agenda is fueled in part by a strong ecosystem of groundbreaking programs that explore growth opportunities beyond their existing portfolio, like
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Getting publicity for yourself, or your company, is just as important as advertising your brand — but it’s often overlooked. Entrepreneurs from Richard Branson to Jeff Bezos have a well-crafted PR plan in place that has helped them, and their companies, grow to where they are now.
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Entrepreneurs often judge different social media platforms differently because of disparities in their approach to business. Traditionalists can be risk-averse and doubt that the investment of time and money involved in building a profile on newer platforms like Instagram is worth it. However, I believe that Instagram
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Adam Smith, father of modern economic theory, believed it wasn’t the butcher’s benevolence that provided the dinner on your plate, but from the butcher’s regard for himself and self interest. Smith illustrates that wealth is a deception of happiness and virtue. The butcher made the meal not