Marketing News

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Too many business owners and entrepreneurs make the mistake of neglecting their personal brand. The two excuses I’ve heard the most? “I don’t need one” and “I can’t have one.” Nowadays, however, you most definitely do need a strong and memorable personal brand if you want to
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. The coaching industry is growing exponentially across the globe. According to ICF, the size of the coaching industry can be estimated at over $2B USD already. Such interest is not surprising, as coaching is directly tied to clients’ growth, with studies measuring coaching as producing 200-500% ROI
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. With initiatives to prioritize consumer privacy by companies like Apple, app trackers and third-party cookies are disappearing, which is impacting the efficiency of traditional methods for performance advertising. How does paying 25% more to reach the same audience this coming year sound? While nobody wants to spend
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. The current uncertain economy, coupled with rising inflation, is driving consumers to seek money-saving tactics, including cashback rewards, discounts, and online coupons. Economic pressures are driving the broad adoption of shopping rewards programs, which are “crossing the chasm” from coupon clippers and early adopters to mainstream consumers
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Marketing is crucial for any business. But making your marketing more effective, especially in the face of a volatile economy, can present challenges. For the busy entrepreneur, understanding how to navigate economic swings can mean the difference between thriving, struggling or even shutting down. Here are a
While the business world has evolved over the years, there are a few things about it that haven’t: elements of formality and respect. When you are addressing someone in a professional setting, especially a superior, there is a certain way to go about it. The same goes for addressing a professional letter. And while business
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. You might be a seasoned marketing leader or entrepreneur, but each launch experience always teaches you new lessons. Because of that, we can recognize some imperishable truths and success myths embracing this niche. After advising dozens of startups in AI, smart home electronics, fintech, software development, product
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. User onboarding is the process that takes people from perceiving, experiencing and adopting the product’s value to improve their lives. This process determines whether a customer keeps utilizing your product or leaves after several months or even days. Why user onboarding is so vital Excellent user onboarding
Las opiniones expresadas por los colaboradores de Entrepreneur son personales. No es ningún secreto que TikTok se ha convertido rápidamente en una de las plataformas favoritas para las marcas que buscan crear presencia. Vista alguna vez como una aplicación de entretenimiento para adolescentes bailarines y videos con lip sync, TikTok se ha convertido en una