Marketing News

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Content marketing can be arguably divided into two distinct categories of practice: content creation and content promotion. Creation is necessary because the content doesn’t create itself. But many novice content marketers skimp out on promotion, which is practically necessary to make sure your work is discoverable. Which
Las opiniones expresadas por los colaboradores de Entrepreneur son personales. El content marketing se puede dividir en dos actividades distintas: la creación del contenido y la promoción del contenido. La creación es necesaria porque el contenido no se crea a sí mismo. Pero muchos creadores de contenido novatos escatiman en su promoción, la cual es
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. We hear it all the time: Businesses are more digital than ever before, and this continues to affect almost every aspect of how things are run within a company. But even in a “post”-Covid-19 world, what is something we will (hopefully) never replace with digital? Human interaction.
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. In a recent Entrepreneur article, I discussed how brands need to be influencers to intersect the customer journey with a brand storytelling approach through the three Rs — relevance, reach and resonance. Telling brand stories relevant to your market in the right medium reaches the right consumers
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Cryptocurrency today is a trillion-dollar industry. According to The Motley Fool, over 12,000 cryptocurrencies existed in the digital space in mid-2022. With $107 billion trading every 24 hours, the crypto industry is equally high-stakes and fast-moving. Effective marketing is crucial to ensure your crypto project is a
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. You’re reading Entrepreneur Asia Pacific, an international franchise of Entrepreneur Media. When bold-faced names are in search of cutting-edge tactics to gain that competitive advantage, there are few agencies willing to reinvent the wheel with bespoke marketing solutions. Enter Grey Smoke Media. Founded by Toronto-based writer and
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Without customers, there’s no business. And how do you drive new customers or keep existing ones engaged? Simple. Growth marketing. It’s no secret that growth marketing is a valuable skill set to possess, from new startups to 30,000-employee behemoths like Uber alike. Take a look at available
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Let’s say that your technology stack consists of SalesForce to store customer data, Marketo to nurture leads, Hootsuite to manage your social media marketing and Google Analytics to track website visitors. Siloed data is defined as all your platforms having different ways of storing and organizing data.
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. The key to presenting a consistent, compelling brand narrative is implementing an online marketing strategy that has high-quality content produced at scale at its core. Scaled content can be created by businesses of any size, regardless of the volume, and you can choose whether to outsource or
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. You’re reading Entrepreneur Middle East, an international franchise of Entrepreneur Media. As a restaurant owner, it is crucial that you understand how smart restaurant accounting can bring you closer to profitability and sustainability. Because of the huge impact of cost of goods (COGs) on the bottom line
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. The economic climate is, unfortunately, uncertain. Many public relations and marketing firms are anxious about their futures in light of recession forecasts and claims made by experts that we are already formally in a recession. Though many economists think we already are, the National Bureau of Economic
Las opiniones expresadas por los colaboradores de Entrepreneur son personales. No hay duda de que TikTok ha evolucionado más allá de la aplicación que las marcas descartaron inicialmente. TikTok ha recorrido un largo camino desde los días del 2020 en los que vivíamos en el encierro a causa de la pandemia. De hecho, la plataforma
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Economic headwinds and changing customer expectations after the pandemic have caused many CEOs to scratch their heads about how to get maximum value from their customer experience programs. Teams are held accountable for net promotor scores and desperately try to retain customers and improve the interactions, but
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Competitive intelligence, or CI, is a crucial component of business strategy. It helps you understand your competitors, identify new opportunities and better predict market trends. Competitive intelligence is a continuous process, not a one-off briefing document. It is also not just about the competition. It also includes