Marketing News

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Barbie, the iconic doll that has captured the hearts of millions worldwide for over six decades, was created by businesswoman Ruth Handler, the co-founder of Mattel. Barbie was inspired by Ruth’s observation that her daughter enjoyed playing with paper dolls representing adult women. Ruth envisioned a three-dimensional
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. For more than a decade, July has served as Independent Retailer Month, a time to celebrate the strides independent retailers make in their local communities. This year, there is much to celebrate. For every $100 spent at an independent retailer, at least $68 of that stays in
Como emprendedor con varias décadas de experiencia en diversos sectores, incluyendo marketing, finanzas y tecnología, he pasado la mayor parte de mi carrera creando empresas sin la ayuda de tecnologías de inteligencia artificial (IA). Aunque ciertamente conté con la valiosa ayuda de amigos, redes de networking y mentores, no puedo decir que haya tenido a
El cambio de marca o rebranding es una estrategia de marketing esencial que las empresas suelen emprender para revitalizar su imagen, mantenerse relevantes o ampliar su base de clientes. Cuando se ejecuta con éxito, el rebranding puede dar nueva vida a una empresa y fortalecer su posición en el mercado. El domingo 23 de julio,
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. As a multi-decade entrepreneur across various sectors — including marketing, finance and technology — I’ve spent most of my career bootstrapping companies without the assistance of artificial intelligence technologies. While I certainly leaned on my invaluable friends, professional network and mentors, I can’t say I ever had
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. This story was originally published on In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, explainer videos have become a valuable tool for simplifying complex ideas. Compelling narratives are at the core of successful explainer videos. Storyboarding can help marketers create videos faster and communicate with the audience
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Rebranding is an essential marketing strategy businesses often undertake to revitalize their image, stay relevant or expand their customer base. When executed successfully, rebrands can breathe new life into a company and strengthen its position in the market. On Sunday, July 23, Elon Musk tweeted (soon to
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Barbie, the iconic doll brand, will debut its highly anticipated movie on July 21. This groundbreaking movie not only promises much-needed nostalgia but will also serve as a catalyst for Barbie to further acquire the multicultural consumer. Over the years, Barbie has recognized the importance of embracing
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Trouble is brewing for Anheuser-Busch (ABI). Following the company’s controversial Instagram collaboration with transgender actress/influencer Dylan Mulvaney, Bud Light sales plummeted 26% (compared to 2022), two marketing executives were placed on leave, and distributor sales dropped nearly 30%. In a “complete lack of oversight,” Bud Light’s national,
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Publishing thought leadership content on LinkedIn is a game-changing strategy. The platform is the beacon of expertise in the ever-evolving realm of professional networking and personal branding, and the influential power of its extensive network rewards thought leaders with organic growth and lead generation. Whether you’re a