Month: June 2023

El copywriting o redacción publicitaria es otra herramienta de marketing para añadir a tu estrategia publicitaria. El texto escrito correctamente puede hacer o deshacer tu campaña de marketing. Sigue leyendo para descubrir todo lo que necesitas conocer sobre la redacción publicitaria y cómo mejorar tus habilidades de redacción para escribir textos excelentes. ¿Qué es copywriting
Subscribe to the HubSpot Marketing YouTube for more tips! What if I told you that you can make thousands of dollars every month by sending a weekly email? Businesses just like HubSpot start an email newsletter program to attract subscribers and convert them into paying customers. Here’s what makes email newsletters such an efficient marketing
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. You’re reading Entrepreneur Asia Pacific, an international franchise of Entrepreneur Media. Establishing an authentic and high follower count is essential for success on social media platforms, especially Instagram. This entails consistent determination, great content, and practical techniques for organic followers’ growth. However, expanding one’s audience naturally can
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. In today’s era of ever-evolving digital media, building relationships with journalists remains more important than ever. Journalists are constantly inundated with pitches, press releases and requests for coverage, making it difficult for any one message to stand out. But with a strong relationship in place, your message
Google Ads API version 14 has been rolled out with several major updates, including new features to support the move from Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4. Why we care. Version 14 of Google Ads API offers an improved user experience by enhancing both campaign management and performance. What’s new? Here are just a few
Download HubSpot’s Official SMS Marketing Guide to Mobile [FREE KIT]: Looking to start SMS marketing for your business but don’t know how to get consumers numbers? Look no further! In this video, I’ll show you five simple techniques that will help you collect more phone numbers than ever before for your SMS marketing campaign.
One data point that’ll change how you do B2B marketing. I own a ad agency called NP Digital, we have 700 plus employees globally and we focus on helping companies grow their traffic and their customer base from the internet. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________ Ubersuggest: ____________________________________________ Now, can you guess what the number one
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Personal trainer Miriam Fried built her business, MF Strong, primarily by posting how-to videos on her social media channels, like Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook. But when it was time to expand from a virtual presence to a brick-and-mortar location, she realized there was more heavy lifting to
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. There’s nothing I’m more tired of than 19-year-olds on TikTok selling entrepreneurial advice. Well, there might be one thing: the fact that people listen to it. These content creators sell the perception that business is easy; all you have to do is buy a template and plug
Las redes sociales transformaron diversos aspectos de nuestras vidas, convirtiéndose en una herramienta fundamental en el día a día, bien sea para informarse, conectarse con amigos y familiares, seguir figuras que admiras, e incluso a la hora de seguir recomendaciones y comprar productos online. Actualmente, estas son parte fundamental en las estrategias de marketing de
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. As the economic climate continues to fluctuate and uncertainty prevails, the only thing startup founders should be doing is ensuring their survival. In a downturn, having solid financials is not enough — you need to be visible. Without effective visibility and publicity, even the most profitable and
Duncan is an award-winning editor with more than 20 years experience in journalism. Having launched his tech journalism career as editor of Arabian Computer News in Dubai, he has since edited an array of tech and digital marketing publications, including Computer Business Review, TechWeekEurope, Figaro Digital, Digit and Marketing Gazette. New research from Ello Group,
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. More than 4.6 billion people will be using email by 2025. For businesses like yours, email remains a critical communication channel. Not only is it most reliable for transactional messages, but it also allows you to boost revenue through newsletters and marketing campaigns. So many pieces make