Marketing 360

5 Reasons Every Business Needs A Good Content Marketer | Marketing 360

Grow Your Content Strategy:

First off, what is a good content marketer? It’s somebody responsible for creating highly engaging and quality visual, video and written content about your brand. They should have a good understanding of what type of content will be engaging to your audience and be responsible for the constant creation and promotion of that visual, video and written content all while doing it with an SEO focus.

A good content marketer is a storyteller via visual, video and written content and creates content that is educational, interesting or inspiring, funny, and share-worthy for your brand. Let’s specifically talk about 5 reasons why having a good content marketer and content marketing in general is so important!

Reason #1 – Content marketing powers your website content: landing pages, service pages, product pages, blog and more. Good content marketing with an SEO focus will both create highly convertible and engaging content but also high SEO rankings on search! Content marketing gives your site the “conversion juice” it needs to generate more leads and sales from the traffic you’re already receiving plus helps you generate new traffic from increased rankings!

Reason #2 – Content marketing powers your social media content strategy. It provides share-worthy content you can share across social media to help increase your trust and brand awareness. The best social media content is the type of content that adds value and is not too salesy. With a good content marketer and content marketing strategy it kills two birds with one stone by not only creating good content for your website but also great content to share on social!

Reason #3 – Content marketing powers your email campaigns! Whether you send a monthly newsletter or have your leads or customers connected to an automated journey of value-add email content, you’re always in need of more new, fresh and interesting content to share… and a good content marketing provides that!

Reason #4 – Content marketing powers your ad campaigns. Today more than ever, the ad campaigns that work the best have really strong design and highly valuable content. They are not salesy. They are educating, inspiring, funny, etc. And they must always be updated so they don’t get stale. A good content marketing strategy provides the valuable ad content you need to keep your campaigns running strong, high on engagement and high on ROI.

Reason #5 – Content marketing powers your sales team with new and fresh sales collateral they can share with their prospects. Whether it’s a blog they can share with some educational content or a social post or email they can share to spark interest, it all helps your sales people close more deals!

Bonus Tip – Content marketing is not something that can be skipped. It must be done. So if you can’t do it, hire somebody to do it, or hire a company like Marketing 360 to do it for you! Make sure your content marketing strategy starts with your website, then is shared on social media, then added to email campaigns, then the best most engaging content is added to your ad campaigns and shared with your sales team to share with their prospects! That means content marketing kills 5 birds with 1 stone! Not too shabby.

Lastly, you might be wondering how much content you should create. I’d suggest at least once per week. There are 52 weeks in a year, so get started! Here’s some tips to get you going –

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