Month: February 2023

The Heinz ketchup company has been on an international manhunt to track down Elvis Francois – the sailor who claims he survived off of ketchup while stranded at sea for 24 days – to give the castaway a special gift. In December, Francois was repairing his boat in Saint Martin when his vessel drifted out
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. The future of TikTok is uncertain. Twitter is in a period of tumult. Instagram engagement is down. So what social platform is best for entrepreneurs to focus on? Consider the ever-sturdy LinkedIn. By building a strong network on LinkedIn, entrepreneurs can establish valuable connections, share insights and
Want to understand the YouTube algorithm, take this YouTube marketing course: YouTube considers a lot of factors when deciding how to serve up the most relevant, personalized videos to its users. In this video, we’ll teach you how to understand the YouTube algorithm to ensure your next video reaches a wider audience. 📔 Grow
Five free resources to learn digital marketing. You don’t need a college degree to learn digital marketing, and you don’t want to have to spend $1000 on courses when you don’t need to. You can learn it for free. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________ Ubersuggest: ____________________________________________ Resource number 1: Neil Patel Training Center, With
Google expands mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal In 2015, Google announced it would expand its use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal, beginning April 21. This algorithmic change would have a “significant impact” in the mobile search results, impacting all languages worldwide, Google said. However, when April came, the general consensus was that Mobilegeddon was
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. The concept of influencer marketing has been around for a while, but it has traditionally been focused on celebrities and individuals with large followings. However, the rise of micro-influencers has changed the game. With a small but dedicated following, these individuals are considered experts in their respective
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. It’s no secret today that entrepreneurs are writing and publishing non-fiction books to market themselves and their brands and businesses. As an entrepreneur, it increases your authority and credibility, helps you reach new clients, gain speaking engagements and much more. Books have become the business cards of
Download our FREE How To Advertise Your Business Planning Kit now: Five tips and tricks for first time or experienced advertisers to increase your reach and stand out. In a world where there are millions of ads people see every day, finding a way for you to stand out will help build your business
SEOs upset over Google dropping attribution in featured snippets In 2019, SEOs were not happy about a Google featured snippet format that didn’t immediately show the source of the content. For the Found on the web card, searchers had to click to expand the featured snippet and then scroll through various sources to see the
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Ecommerce keeps getting more and more relevant to consumers’ day-to-day lives and is an increasingly essential component of corporate growth strategies. By 2026, Shopify predicts, global internet-fueled sales will exceed $8 trillion. That’s a more than 50% bump from 2021 figures, and no one quite knows where
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. There is no doubt that TikTok has evolved beyond the new platform that businesses dismissed in early 2020 and even 2021. But what often remains overlooked is its strategic value for growing startups. No surprise here — TikTok is still relatively uncrowded. It’s growing exponentially. It’s home