Month: December 2022

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Content marketing can be arguably divided into two distinct categories of practice: content creation and content promotion. Creation is necessary because the content doesn’t create itself. But many novice content marketers skimp out on promotion, which is practically necessary to make sure your work is discoverable. Which
If you’re still on the fence about whether or not video ads are a good idea for your brand, you shouldn’t be. Coming into 2023, it’s more important than ever to consider all platforms and ad types; and video advertising should be at the top of that list. Here are three reasons why you should
Las opiniones expresadas por los colaboradores de Entrepreneur son personales. El content marketing se puede dividir en dos actividades distintas: la creación del contenido y la promoción del contenido. La creación es necesaria porque el contenido no se crea a sí mismo. Pero muchos creadores de contenido novatos escatiman en su promoción, la cual es
Hive Social, the platform that touts its focus on the “simplicity of social media,” has temporarily turned off its servers following a discovery that user data is vulnerable to hackers. The Berlin-based security collective Zerforschung found several “critical vulnerabilities” that it then reported to the company. “The issues we reported allow any attacker to access
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. We hear it all the time: Businesses are more digital than ever before, and this continues to affect almost every aspect of how things are run within a company. But even in a “post”-Covid-19 world, what is something we will (hopefully) never replace with digital? Human interaction.
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. In a recent Entrepreneur article, I discussed how brands need to be influencers to intersect the customer journey with a brand storytelling approach through the three Rs — relevance, reach and resonance. Telling brand stories relevant to your market in the right medium reaches the right consumers
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. You’re reading Entrepreneur India, an international franchise of Entrepreneur Media. Nick Clegg, President Global Affairs, Meta, participated in a community immersion with leaders from WhatsApp’s Community Builders Program in India in order to discuss how the feature that was launched would help organizations stay better connected and
SEO is not just a marketing strategy. It’s a game-changer. In my 27-plus years in the industry, I’ve seen how SEO can forever change the trajectory of a business and, in turn, change people’s lives. As we head into the holiday season and at a time of giving thanks, here are three reasons businesses can