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How to Write Follow-Up Emails That Get Answered

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Sending follow-up emails can be an excellent way for entrepreneurs to build relationships, get their foot in the door with potential clients and grow their businesses.

It’s essential to know how to use this option correctly and send at the . Use the following examples to craft replies that get results.

Every follow-up should include the following…

  • A summary: In about one sentence, remind recipients who you are and your previous discussions.
  • A reason: Get to the point by letting the contacts know why you’re emailing them.
  • A call to action. Tell the targets what you’d like to happen next, such as a meeting at a particular time, approving a proposal or paying an overdue invoice.

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Signatures, subject headers and spell-check

A professional email signature that includes your name, business name, title, contact information, and a headshot adds to your brand. Check out ‘s free generator.

The subject line should be attention-grabbing and relevant:

  • It was lovely chatting with you!
  • Follow-up thoughts
  • I forgot to ask
  • Just checking in
  • Time for a chat this week?

An Edison Mail study found that waiting two to four days to send a follow-up email is ideal. Sending it sooner means you could get seen as pushy. But if you wait longer, the recipient could lose interest or forget who you are.

Before you hit “send”, proofread for spelling, grammatical errors and that the correct documents are attached. You want to make a good impression, so take the time to get it right.

As for using buzzwords, a survey commissioned by Slack, of 2,000 remote and hybrid workers, found that nearly half of those polled disliked when colleagues deployed jargon such as “give it 100%”, “think outside the box” and “team player”.

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Project proposal format

Subject: Next steps for your project


Have you had time to review the project proposal I sent over? [INSERT ONE-SENTENCE SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL].

As I previously mentioned, I think we’re an excellent fit, and I’m excited to begin working with you on this project.

My calendar for [INSERT MONTH] is filling up quickly. So, I need a response by [DATE] to secure your spot.

If you have any questions or hesitations about moving forward, I’m happy to discuss them. Just reply to this email or schedule another call here: [INSERT CALENDAR LINK]

Networking event format

Subject: It was great meeting you!


I enjoyed meeting you and hearing about your work in [INSERT TOPIC DISCUSSED] at the networking event last night. I was surprised to learn that [INSERT FACT]!

I wanted to follow up and ask if you’d be interested in meeting for coffee next week to chat further. If so, how does Tuesday at 10 a.m. sound? You can view other times on my calendar here: [INSERT CALENDAR LINK].

I’m looking forward to it!

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