Month: August 2022

A McDonald’s worker is standing up for herself after claiming her coworkers — including her manager — were caught watching her on security cameras instead of working in a series of now-viral TikTok videos. The employee, who goes by @Tizzie..Mia on TikTok, took to the platform on August 30 while still in her uniform and
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. When the economy is unpredictable, it’s difficult to plan. Yet, plan you must. Even when you love your PR and marketing agency, during these times, it’s tempting to cut marketing and PR budgets. I know both sides of this fence. I’ve been an entrepreneur for 75% of
Download HubSpot’s State of Marketing Report now [FREE REPORT]: Airbnb shocked the industry when it announced it was ending all performance marketing following COVID. This video examines how Airbnb turned the pandemic disaster into the ultimate lessons in emergency response, branding and product marketing that any CEO or marketing executive can use to navigate
Get Started with SMS Marketing Today: SMS marketing (aka Text message marketing) is a great way to get instant visibility from your loyal followers and customers. The question is, how do you best take advantage of text message marketing so you are truly adding value and not being annoying? Let’s talk about how to
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. The underlying reason people buy anything is psychological tension. People feel a tension between what they have and what they want. They are living in their current reality but they have a desired reality in their mind that would somehow be better. People buy something to resolve
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Quiet quitting is a style of quitting that involves not abruptly leaving a job but instead performing precisely what the position requires, nothing more and nothing less. It’s the equivalent of being mentally checked out but still physically present. If the true goals of diversity, equity and
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Seasonal stories are events that are celebrated, often worldwide, every year such as Valentine’s Day, Christmas, Black Friday, Easter, 4th of July, Thanksgiving, Chinese New Year, Halloween, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. Seasonal stories also include the 4 seasons: spring, summer, autumn/fall, and winter. Westend61 | Getty
Grow Your Marketing: Having a well thought out marketing plan is essential for success. Your business relies on it! So let’s break down 10 questions you need to ask yourself in order to get the most out of your marketing plan. Question #1 – What want or need does your product or service fill?
7 SEO Experiments to Test in 2022 [Traffic Generation Quick Wins] || SEO isn’t something that you learn once and it’s good to go forever. Google makes over 3000 algorithm changes per year. That’s a lot of changes. So if you’re not continually testing, you’re not going to do well and outrank your competitors.Today I’m