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4 Reasons to Start Your Own Podcast

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A podcast can be a powerful and inexpensive avenue for communicating your message to your and is a fantastic tool to promote what you offer. Being a podcaster will help position you as an expert in your field, which will, in turn, help you to build a client list of fans that already know, like and trust you. With a podcast, you can share your ideas, thoughts and solutions with potential customers in an easily-consumable format. In addition, a podcast is also a great way to build authority and with potential buyers.

Here are four reasons why you should start a podcast.

Related: Why Podcasting Is Your Best Chance for Success

1. Position yourself as a known expert in your niche

How valuable would it be if you were considered an expert in your field expertise or niche? I’ll answer for you: It would be an incredible value.

Growing up, we are conditioned to believe that the talking heads on television, radio and the internet are people that we should trust. A podcast is a way to do the same thing and enjoy the same credibility. Those that are in your niche will place a value on your opinion and you will be building their trust as an expert.

As with any other content strategy, it’s important to produce high-quality content that is relevant to your audience. Take the time to develop strong topics and interview interesting guests who can share their expertise with your listeners.

2. Build a contact list of your target client

One benefit of a podcast is that once a listener subscribes to your show, they will automatically get the new episodes downloaded into their device. That means they won’t need to check for new content. A subscriber has already shown interest in what you have to say. Your podcast will now be available to them regularly, not lost in spam emails, making deliverability more efficient.

If you have outlined and crafted your content correctly, you have the chance to gain a listener base very quickly; and potentially to a worldwide audience (for example, my podcast is popular in , for whatever reason). By presenting your content on a regular basis, you will keep your product or service in the front of their mind and give them something to look forward to.

Podcasting also allows you to present specific subjects. Your audience will make the choice to listen to your podcast because of their interest in your content. Unlike the radio where there are interruptions, and the subject matter may jump around. Act accordingly, and blow their minds with value.

Related: Podcasting is the New College

3. It drives organic traffic

Listeners have chosen you by listening to your podcast. This unique feature of a podcast makes it very effective for promoting and to a focused audience. Because you are speaking to the right folks for what you do, you have a perfect opportunity to craft an offer that speaks directly to them.

In each episode, have a call to action that directs the listener to a webpage with a promotional offer that is tailored to them. Make your audience feel special. You’ll want to give them a unique reward for listening and subscribing, and therefore a reason to visit your page. The offer should have a low or no-cost introductory item that gets them into your database.

After they are in your contact list, you can market higher ticket products or services. By including a link to the offer in the show notes, listeners can easily visit the offer and learn more. Additionally, podcasters can promote the offer on social media, increasing the chances that potential customers will see it.

Related: 10 Essential Podcasting Tips for Entrepreneurs and Authors

4. Low cost to get started and little time invested to produce

To get started in a podcast, there are very few items you’ll need. It only takes a computer, a decent microphone — which can be bought for about $50 — and an account to an online podcast hosting website. You can upgrade to nicer gear later on if you like. On the other hand, if you were to try to start your own radio station, you’d have to learn and follow regulations, plus fork out major dollars on quality recording and broadcasting equipment. Podcasting bypasses all that cost and trouble.

You can get started with very little out-of-pocket cost, but you need to have something to say and a passion to share it.

Podcasts are one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to market yourself and offer to an audience that is exactly who you are looking for. Podcasts are also a great way to connect with potential customers who are interested in what you have to say. You can become an expert and celebrity in your field. Getting started today is a small investment of time and money.

If you have been thinking about it and have a lot to say about your niche: Get going! It’s not as hard as you’re probably thinking will be.

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