Social Media

Seeking to protect its users from cyberbullying, Twitter is experimenting with a feature to remove tags from mentions

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Everything indicates that Twitter is changing. It is not only the arrival of Elon Musk as the majority shareholder of the social network , but also a series of announcements about changes and new features on the platform, such as the long-awaited option to edit a message after it has been published. In addition, the social network announced that it is testing a new functionality that would allow the user to remove the labels of his name in posts and threads made from other accounts.

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First introduced in June 2021 under the name “unmentioning” by Dominic Camozzi , the social network’s designer, this feature is intended to combat harassment and unwanted attention on Twitter. The Twitter Safety account uploaded a post demonstrating how the new functionality will operate, which will be released on a trial basis in the accounts of some users. “We are experimenting with unmentioning , a way to help you protect your peace and remove yourself from conversations, is now available to some of you on the web (version).”

The tweet shows a video showing how users will be able to remove labels that mention it in other messages. Once a tag has been removed, it will not be possible to mention it again in the same conversation and the user’s name will be grayed out and inactive.

This is not the only functionality in which the network is currently working to combat harassment, one of them is the

How do you say “Don’t @ me,” without saying “Don’t @ me”?
We’re experimenting with Unmentioning—a way to help you protect your peace and remove yourself from conversations—available on the Web for some of you now.

— Twitter Safety (@TwitterSafety) April 7, 2022 >Safety Mode (safe mode) that automatically blocks users who use aggressive language for a week.

According to the , 37% of people between the ages of 12 and 17 have been bullied online. Measures such as unmentioning and temporary blocking of accounts that attack other users help combat abuse and reduce the effects that electronic harassment has, especially on the adolescent population.

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