Marketing 360

How to Make Good YouTube Videos for Business – 8 Tips

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In this video we break down how to make good YouTube videos and some good youtube marketing for business. Check it out!

YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine in the world. A recent stat released by said that millennials use YouTube to learn new things 2.7 times more than anything else. YouTube is only getting bigger in the future, so let’s talk about how you can take advantage of this by creating better YouTube video!

Tips Covered In Video:

1- It all starts with good content. It must add value! What questions do your prospects and customers have? Answer those! Stay on topic.

2 – Use YouTube’s search bar to see auto-fill results for topic ideas and titles. Then optimize your video for that. Checkout our YouTube Marketing Tips, Tricks & Strategies playlist because we have a video for how to do that.

3 – Video sounds, picture and lighting should be good. Do not need to be great. The content is most important.

4 – Start your video with a 5 second teaser where you intro what the video will be about before the YouTube skip button. That way, if you run ads, the video catches people before they bail. Also effective in social media feeds like facebook if you use captions because people see the message before they scroll by.

5 – After teaser, show a short demo clip about your brand so they learn more about you. Ask them to follow you for more content like this in the future. Keep it short 5-20 seconds generally.

6 – Introduce your content, give the viewers the “why”

7 – Jump into content/tips/reasons. Keep it fast with a lot of meat on the bone. Avoid too much fluff.

8 – Conclude video by thanking your audience and asking for likes, comments, shares and follows!

Thanks for watching. If you found this content helpful please take a second and like, share and comment. Also make sure to follow us for more great content just like this down the road. Happy marketing!

Presented by: JB Kellogg

JB Kellogg is the Co-Founder & Co-CEO of Madwire®. Madwire’s brands Marketing 360® and Top Rated Local® are popular platforms used to help small businesses grow. Madwire was founded in 2009 and has since grown to nearly 1,000 people and over 100MM in annual revenue. JB & Co-CEO Joe Kellogg were recognized as Glassdoor’s Highest Rated CEOs for 3 consecutive years (#1 overall in 2016). JB is passionate about small business marketing, leadership, sales, team culture and more and often shares the tips, tricks and strategies he’s learned in life and while growing Madwire.

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