Month: January 2022

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Building a blog’s loyal following and then turning that audience into revenue takes effort, time and patience. But you can do it with the right planning, marketing funnels and content development.  Here’s how to ether make a few hundred dollars a month, turn your online brand into a full-time job, or run an established company
Yoast SEO added keyword phrase performance tracking to Yoast SEO 17.9, in partnership Wincher, the company announced. This lets those who use Yoast SEO to better understanding of how your posts are ranking over time in Google Search. Wincher tool. The Wincher SEO tool is a tool that helps you track your keywords and positions
Understanding your current marketing processes, knowing how to measure success, and being able to identify where you are looking for improvements, are all critical pieces of the SEO platform decision-making process. But deciding whether your company needs an SEO platform calls for the same evaluative steps involved in any software adoption, starting with a comprehensive
How much does marketing cost? Ask Us: We get this question A LOT. And it’s reasonable to want to know! You’ve gotta know the financials so you can make decisions that are right for your business. Think about this though – the answer is important, but the question being asked is wrong. We’re used
Learn more about the software in a demo: The world has changed, and it’s time to transform how you market and sell to match how people shop, buy, and share experiences online. That’s why we built HubSpot. With HubSpot’s award-winning inbound marketing and sales platform, you will attract more visitors, generate more leads, and
Grow Your Social Media Marketing Today: Did you know that 81% of Americans use social media? Even more impressive, 65% of those users have made a purchase directly from social media. Think you don’t need to worry about your social presence? Think again. Step 1 – Choose your platform The most obvious choice is
Manage Your Social Channels on Marketing 360®: People often check social media before they call you, make a purchase or fill out a lead form. This process is called “social proofing”. It’s key you have a strong social presence so you pass this process with flying colors and get more leads and sales! So
How to Measure ROI From Social Media Course: Measuring your return on investment (ROI) from social media is not easy or straightforward. But can it be done? Absolutely. To measure your Social media ROI starts by getting all the results from everything you do in social media, ranging from protecting your reputation, building brand
Yoast SEO will be available for Shopify on January 18, 2022, the company announced Tuesday. Unlike the WordPress version of the app, which operates under a freemium model, Yoast SEO for Shopify will cost $29 per 30 days. Why we care. Yoast SEO is one of the most commonly used SEO apps in the WordPress
Come see what HubSpot’s free CRM can do for you: At HubSpot, we looked at the way salespeople were using CRMs, and we found a lot of places where the CRM was adding extra work to those salespeople and getting in the way of their process. With HubSpot CRM, we wanted to build a
In this video we share a 7 winning tips for sales confidence… check it out! – By Marketing 360® / Intro: Confidence is key to success in anything, but especially sales! Like Golf, if you’re not focused and confident, you’ll shank it! So here’s some tips on how to stay confident! Review these tips